Sunday, January 11, 2009

Turning Thirty!!!

OK, so this week I hit a milestone, and turned 30. Greg did great and baked a beautiful cake and gave me roses. Now that it has come and gone it is not such a big deal.... I will just buy a treadmill, take some vitamin supplements and do all the things that 30 year olds are supposed to do right? Right! Ok then, I will let you know when I find out what that is exactly! Until then, I am still enjoying life in Star Valley, (even with the snow)and playing with my daughter that keeps me young!

1 comment:

Dena Moon said...

Happy Birthday! 30 wasn't a big deal for me either...its just weird that I'm not 25 anymore, or 19 anymore, or 16 for that matter. Huh, weird.
Awesome cake! Good job Greg!!