Saturday, April 14, 2012

More Milk

This is an old post, that I never published, made me smile big!  She was just so darn cute, and so little!!
Gracie has learned Sign Language and has been using it since she was about 7 months old. I hadn't captured it on video, but I just happened to have my camera out because she was belting out Twinkle Twinkle Little Star....missed that but thought this was cute too!

Weddings, Gymnastics and beauty marks

So this weekend the dishes are stacked in the sink and my house is a mess, must be a wedding weekend. Not only that.... this weekend we had Gracie's gymnastics show. She did great and it was so much fun getting her ready. Aunt Erin helped and we made it a girls fun often can you say, yes you can wear my makeup? So on went the mascara, eyeliner and all!
It was leaning towards toddlers in tiaras, Complete with a beauty mark drawn on. I am sure that some mom's saw that and thought what the world? But today I didn't care, I wanted my little girl to be just as happy as she could be and I loved that beauty mark. It represented my learning to let go, One of my hardest lessons I first learned as a mom. I used to worry what other moms would think if we went to the grocery store without matching clothes and a cute braid and the perfect flower in her hair that I made myself....ha! What was I thinking!! Who cares what my daughter dresses herself in, she is warm the clothes are clean, and is it really worth the fight to get everything matching and "cute" like I thought little girl should be? Don't get me wrong, deep inside that is what I cross my fingers that she picks. I get a little excited when we have those cute days! But I realize just how "cute" it is and how much I love those days that she comes out with jeans, that frilly skirt and the brown shirt that you can never get her to wear with the cute denim skirt you bought it to go with. Yup I love those days too! See I am learning to see what is really important....beautymarks! LOL!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


You know most evenings, I crawl into bed and wonder if I should really be a mom...just the other day I texted Greg and told him I really suck and this!  In fact right at this very moment Edynn is running around naked while I am nursing Treycen and pleading with her to get a pull-up on because Daddy pinches naked bums...I looked to the clock and realized it is at least 3 hours till Greg will be home. I haven't had a chance to take a shower and I really am planning on getting to the relief society meeting tonight for a change!  Big sigh..
Then I realize I am not completely hopeless.  My daughter's I lub you's and listening to her "monkey's jump on bed" song make me smile and I did get Gracie ready for school this morning with out any crying (either of us!!) and  how many other mom's can finally get that pull-up on while nursing the 3 month old at the same that takes talent! 
I may just survive these "I do it me-self" and 5 year old drama, thank heavens for Little Man to cuddle with, he really is such a happy baby.  I know I am doing just what I should and I am learning along the way.  We even made it through this Easter with no broken bones!  ...See I got skillz!
Shootin' Way Up!!  She just keeps growing and growing.  She decided she didn't want to shoot a gun, but was liking the ear protection.  I keep watching her and can't believe the time has gone by so fast.  Soon she will be this young lady going to college somewhere warm in cute scarves and accessories with that beautiful golden curly hair....and I will be here in the snow hoping that I taught her all those things that Heavenly Father wanted me to show her. Hoping that she remembers how much He loves her and looking forward to those great plans He has for her. I guess that is my quest now....figure out how to live life and teach and be that mother I dream of being while life, it seems, is on fast forward.